Know How Enzymes Are Necessary For Good Health Video

[amazon-product align=”right” alink=”0000FF” bordercolor=”000000″ height=”240″]0975536184[/amazon-product] Enzymes are considered the sparks of life.  They are responsible for providing the energy for all biochemical reactions that occur in nature.

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Dr. Russ On the Call Again Tonight

I loved the last call with Dr Russ, it was loaded with great Natural Health and pH Balancing info. He’s back tonight and I am going to be on the line for sure. TLC’s   REST   OF   THE   STORY (201) 793-9022   Pin No. 6046762# Monday, June 1st, 2009 6:00 PM PST –  9 PM EST

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Waking Up with Emotional Freedom Technique EFT

Do you feel like a grump when you wake up? Using the Emotional Freedom Technique is a fun idea What is your emotional state when you first wake up?

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Go Raw Now – Raw Food – Energy and Health

Before I take health advice from anybody, I take a good look at them. Do they look healthy? Do they have energy? You can tell a lot about a person’s mental clarity, by looking them in the eye.  Sure some folks are just in a different place in their journey. The road to recovery is […]

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Reflexlogy for Health and Wellbeing

I enjoyed this little video about reflexology. This relaxing foot massage covers several areas of the body. There is nothing like a good foot massage to relax and promote a healing response in the body. You can try this out with a friend, or even massage your own feet. Learn about basic reflexology principles in […]

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The Whole Truth About Milk – video

Is milk really a health food? This short video, I came across on Youtube gives some great insight into  the real value of milk. There is a world of difference between raw organic milk, and the typical stuff you find in the grocery store. The very last thing he says, –  Some European nations have […]

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