How to Optimize Your Nutrition for Vibrant Health

Do we really need vitamins? If you eat, whole, organic, locally grown food, from mostly plant sources. And work outside in fresh, unpolluted air, drink pure water, sleep 9 hours a night, are mostly free from chronic stressors, move your body every day, and are free from exposure to environmental toxins. Then, of course you […]

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Ab Workout on Swiss Ball

Swiss Ball Abs I love these Swiss Ball workouts.
There is a lot you can do with these balls and they really add to the diversity of the exercises.
It is a lot easier to get a targeted ab workout on a Swiss ball, as opposed to lying on the floor.

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Increase Fat Burning, without Reducing Calories

Here are 3 well thought out strategies for revving up metabolism. The net effect is, more weight lost for the same number of calories. Check out Dr Mark Hyman’s video fro the full scoop. He is right up there in my list of Youtube favorites.

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Dr. Russ On the Call Again Tonight

I loved the last call with Dr Russ, it was loaded with great Natural Health and pH Balancing info. He’s back tonight and I am going to be on the line for sure. TLC’s   REST   OF   THE   STORY (201) 793-9022   Pin No. 6046762# Monday, June 1st, 2009 6:00 PM PST –  9 PM EST

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