Ab Workout on Swiss Ball

Swiss Ball Abs I love these Swiss Ball workouts.
There is a lot you can do with these balls and they really add to the diversity of the exercises.
It is a lot easier to get a targeted ab workout on a Swiss ball, as opposed to lying on the floor.

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3 Exercises for a Strong Core – Stability Ball

Good thorough instructions for 3 stability ball exercises. Great for working the core muscles, improving posture and toning abs Variations are provided for different fitness levels, from beginner to athlete in training.

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Abdominal Core Work – Swiss Ball Roll Out

There is a whole world of exercises that can be done on a swiss ball, that are not available otherwise. This particular move is great for strengthening your core. It’s a bit of an intermediate to advanced movement.

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How To Get 6 Pack Abs Without A Single Crunch: 15 Minute Upper Body Workout

 This guy is claiming you can get a great abdominal workout, just using upper body exercises. I tried it and it works.  The whole exercise routine took about 15 minutes.  

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