Just for Fun, A Music Video
Ever had your heart broken, or been Kicked to the Curb by your soulmate? Or the person you thought was you soulmate? Sometimes it’s better just to look at things in a more lighthearted way. It can help to ease the pain. This video takes a fun and lighthearted view of being, “Kicked to the […]
Continue readingGarden on Boat, Grow Your Veggies Anywhere
Leafy greens, beets, cucumbers, herbs and more thriving on a sailboat. Doc David Gawain has an awesome system for growing plants that are a healthy part of an alkaline diet. Or any amazing healthy diet for that matter. Living greens and veggies give you natural energy. He gives some good tips in the first video in […]
Continue readingSimple Trick to Improve Dental Health, Ancient Secret
Check out the improvement in Doc Dave’s teeth. He has before and after pictures in this video. You won’t hear about this from your dentist. This kind of information might put him out of business. Dave’s teeth are noticeably whiter after just a short time.
Continue readingFruit Infused Water – Alkaline and Yummy, Super Hydration
Here is an alternative to plain old water. By letting fruit or herbs infuse into the water, you add a refreshing flavor to the hydration experience. If you like the taste of water better, you are more likely to stay well hydrated and experience all the benefits, like increased energy and mental clarity. You also […]
Continue readingGrowing Sweet Potatoes
Growing Your own Vegetables and Fruits, guarantees you a fresh supply of organic produce at a very low cost. Nathan Levy gives us a sweet potato growing tutorial in just over three and a half minutes. Did you know the leaves are edible? And it makes a colorful ground cover, where you don’t have to […]
Continue readingCreate a Truly Happy Life
What does it really take to be happy? First just decide, I am going to be happy. Friends, social interaction, human touch, good healthy energy giving food, music, laughter and fun can make being happy a breeze. Share your joy with the world and tell us below what makes you happy.
Continue readingEnergy Producing Exercise, QiGong
Do You Feel Energized After a Workout? Here is a simple exercise that improves energy and makes you feel better. QiGong exercises enhance Qi or life energy. In the previous post, we shared an exercise for bring down the Heavenly energy. This movement brings up earth energy to create a nice balance. The two movements […]
Continue readingHeavenly Energy, QiGong Exercise
Life Energy Cultivation is the literal meaning of QiGong. Some people think of it as gentle exercise, others consider it a moving meditation. It is a great way to increase life force energy. The Chinese have been practicing QiGong for a long time. It has become increasingly popular in other parts of the world, including […]
Continue readingSmoothie for a Paleo
Just add a good protein source to this smoothie and you have the makings of a Paleo meal. Paleo is the way we used to eat, long time ago. No cavemen did not have blenders. This is a hybrid creation that brings the power of the smoothie juicing world and Paleo together. Check out the […]
Continue readingHere is a Gift, Share the Love
I just wanted to share the love this season. Vibrant Health Videos would like to share this video that was created by a friend. Please share this video with friends and share the love. Feel free to grab the audio and make your own show.
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