Beat Sugar Addiction Now

Sugar addiction can really drain your energy. It also makes it difficult to lose weight. What is the underlying cause of your sugar addiction? Check out what Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD has to say about the 4 different types of sugar addicts.

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Are Grains Really Healthy?

Many health gurus have been promoting whole grains as healthy food choices. But are they really all that healthy? This video provides and interesting perspective on the topic. When it comes to good health, always be questioning and curious.

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Is Your Low Fat Diet Making You Depressed and Anxious

Could it be that you are depressed because you do not have enough fat in your diet? Check out this guys story. He tried the vegan thing and felt terrible. His solution was to include more healthy fats in his diet. Saturated fat is not the enemy most think that it is.

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Is Melatonin Really Good to Take? And is it a Natural Sleep Aid

So why is it that you can not sleep? Are you eating the wrong kinds of foods before bed, or not enough food? Are you overly stressed? Are you spending too much time in front of the computer or TV at night?

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Benefits of Keeping a Food Journal

Are you REALLY eating healthy foods? Most people just think they are. Do you know how much food you are eating in a day? A food journal is a great way to keep track of what you actually are eating. The results may surprise you.

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David Wolfe Interviews Dr. Mercola, Part 1 of 6

I have been a fan of Dr. Mercola for a number of years. In Nov 2009 he was named the Top Ultimate Wellness Gamechanger, by the Huffington Post. In this video clip he is interviewed by David Wolfe. They talk about the value of eating raw, natural foods.

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How to Optimize Your Nutrition for Vibrant Health

Do we really need vitamins? If you eat, whole, organic, locally grown food, from mostly plant sources. And work outside in fresh, unpolluted air, drink pure water, sleep 9 hours a night, are mostly free from chronic stressors, move your body every day, and are free from exposure to environmental toxins. Then, of course you […]

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Do You Read Ingredient Labels? And a Better Way

Most health conscious people are good at reading ingredient labels. Every once in a while something scary slips by. When you think of guacamole, you think avocado. But check out the ingredient list in this guacamole “flavored” dip. There are over 35 ingredients including food coloring. The video gives the whole scoop.

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A Salad with Healthy Fats

Fat is not the demon everyone is making it out to be. People are waking up to the fact that their are good fats and bad fats. Here is a salad recipe that contains some good healthy fats in the form of nuts and seeds, along with some olive oil.

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Video, Beware of Mercury Poisoning

We all know about the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. Cold water fish like salmon, herring and sardines, are abundant sources of omega 3s. These fish are relatively low in mercury. Other types of fish are not so good. Mercury toxicity is a growing problem. Larger and more carnivorous fish tend to have more […]

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